Standing Recent Case

Drazen v. Pinto

Eleventh Circuit Holds that Absent Class Members Must Satisfy Article III Standing at the Class Certification Phase for Settlement-Only Class Action.

Vol. 136 No. 3
Standing Leading Case

California v. Texas

Vol. 135 No. 1 In the 2007 case Massachusetts v. EPA, the Supreme Court determined, in a 5–4 vote, that Massachusetts had standing to challenge the EPA’s failure...
Federal Courts Leading Case

Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski

Vol. 135 No. 1 Scholars often analyze exercises of judicial review as a tension between two models of adjudication: the “dispute resolution model,” which limits federal courts to...
Standing Leading Case

TransUnion v. Ramirez

Vol. 135 No. 1 To bring a lawsuit in federal court, a plaintiff must have Article III standing. While commentators perceived federal courts as having generally made it...