Fifth Amendment Recent Case

State v. Andrews

Supreme Court of New Jersey Holds that Compelled Disclosure of Defendant’s iPhone Passcodes Does Not Violate the Self-Incrimination Clause.

Vol. 134 No. 6
Fifth Amendment Leading Case

Knick v. Township of Scott

Vol. 133 No. 1 The state-litigation requirement for takings claims has been subject to vitriol ever since its establishment in Williamson County Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank...
Fifth Amendment Leading Case

Gamble v. United States

Vol. 133 No. 1 The Double Jeopardy Clause requires that no defendant “be subject” to prosecution twice “for the same offence.” But under the “separate sovereigns” doctrine, the...
Due Process Leading Case

Murr v. Wisconsin

Vol. 131 No. 1 To evaluate a regulatory takings claim, a court must measure the economic loss caused by a challenged regulation (the numerator) with respect to a...