Criminal Justice Note

Pessimistic Police Abolition

Vol. 136 No. 4 Introduction: Abolition’s Second Premise The movement for police abolition seeks to eliminate, or massively downsize, American policing. Mariame Kaba’s Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish...
Criminal Law Note

The Occasions Clause Paradox

Vol. 136 No. 2 Introduction The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) mandates an enhanced sentence when a felon in possession of a firearm was previously convicted of at...
Criminal Justice Leading Case

Wooden v. United States

Vol. 136 No. 1 The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) imposes lengthy sentences on those who possess firearms after committing violent felonies on three or more different “occasions.”...
Habeas Corpus Leading Case

Shinn v. Ramirez

Vol. 136 No. 1 Ten years ago, the Supreme Court held in Martinez v. Ryan that ineffective assistance of postconviction counsel, in an initial-review proceeding, may establish cause...
Criminal Justice Note

Welfarist Prosecution

Vol. 135 No. 8 Introduction Criminal justice reform advocates have long rallied against the criminalization of poverty in the United States. It’s well established that criminal justice involvement...