Labor Law Developments in the Law 136 Harv. L. Rev. 1585

Developments in the Law — Labor and Employment

Quotes & Contents



“[F]or working’s sake[]
Too proud to bend
Too poor to break,
I laugh until my stomach ache[]”

MAYA ANGELOU, When I Think About Myself, in MAYA ANGELOU: POEMS 26, 26 (1981).

“It’s a rich man’s game
No matter what they call it”

DOLLY PARTON, 9 to 5, on 9 TO 5 AND ODD JOBS (RCA Records 1980).

“Institutionalized rejection of difference is an absolute necessity in a profit economy which needs outsiders as surplus people.”

AUDRE LORDE, Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference, in SISTER OUTSIDER: ESSAYS AND SPEECHES 114, 115 (1984).

“Sí se puede.”

Dolores Huerta, Keynote Address at the Annual Convention of the American Public Health Association (Oct. 21, 1974).