RLUIPA Leading Case

Ramirez v. Collier

Vol. 136 No. 1 Incarcerated people depend on the state for access to their most basic needs, including the ability to practice religion. Over time, Congress has added...
Criminal Procedure Leading Case

Vega v. Tekoh

Vol. 136 No. 1 Miranda v. Arizona is perhaps the best-known criminal justice decision in American history, bringing the privilege against self-incrimination “to the informal proceedings in the...
Administrative Law Leading Case

Biden v. Texas

Vol. 136 No. 1 Across several areas of administrative law, the Roberts Court has made it harder for agencies to exercise power. Chevron deference has gone missing. The...
Fifth Amendment Leading Case

Denezpi v. United States

Vol. 136 No. 1 The Fifth Amendment’s Double Jeopardy Clause protects criminal defendants from facing two prosecutions for the “same offence.” Under the dual-sovereignty doctrine, the Supreme Court...
Civil Rights Leading Case

Egbert v. Boule

Vol. 136 No. 1 Fifty-one years ago, in Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, the Supreme Court announced a cause of action for...
Criminal Justice Leading Case

Wooden v. United States

Vol. 136 No. 1 The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) imposes lengthy sentences on those who possess firearms after committing violent felonies on three or more different “occasions.”...