First Amendment Note

Drowning Out Democracy

Vol. 137 No. 8 Money in politics. It’s an old problem, seemingly overwritten and unsolvable. Campaigns grow more expensive. Politicians genuflect to large corporate donors. And after Citizens...
Remedies Note

Voting Wrongs and Remedial Gaps

Vol. 137 No. 4 Today, voting rights plaintiffs largely seek injunctive relief. This wasn’t always the case. For most of the nation’s history, the standard remedy for a...
Article I Leading Case

Moore v. Harper

Vol. 137 No. 1 “[T]he biggest threat to US democracy since January 6.” “[A] theory that could upend elections.” “It’s Hard to Overstate the Danger of the Voting...
Election Law Leading Case

Allen v. Milligan

Vol. 137 No. 1 America was founded on ideals of democracy, freedom, and political equality. It was also founded with racialized slavery, and for most of its history...