Recent Publication 128 Harv. L. Rev. 1063

Recent Publications – January 2015


The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children. By Ross E. Cheit. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. 2014. Pp. xx, 508. $49.95.

Judging the Boy Scouts of America: Gay Rights, Freedom of Association, and the Dale Case. By Richard J. Ellis. Lawrence, Kan.: University Press of Kansas. 2014. Pp. xii, 286. $34.95.

Civil Rights and the Making of the Modern American State. By Megan Ming Francis. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press. 2014. Pp. xvii, 197. $27.99.

The Marriage Buyout: The Troubled Trajectory of U.S. Alimony Law. By Cynthia Lee Starnes. New York, N.Y.: New York University Press. 2014. Pp. x, 225. $45.00.